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1958 Agreement: Unique Identifier - Proposed actions for the DETA informal group, GR working parties, and WP.29
Document WP.29-188-20
14 November 2022

Note from the WP.29 secretariat

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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4.5. Development of an electronic database for the exchange of type approval documentation (DETA)

58. The representative of Germany, Chair of the IWG on DETA, presented WP.29-188-18, introducing WP.29-188-19, the draft report of the fourty-fifth session of the IWG on DETA and also updating WP.29 on the work done during that session, held in Geneva on 10 November 2022. He laid out the current state of play, noting the number of approvals uploaded. He detailed activities of the IWG related to the Unique Identifier (UI) and suggested to circulate WP.29-188-20 to the GRs, containing proposed actions for the IWG on DETA, GRs and WP.29 as well as a table for the assessment of UN Regulations under the purview of the respective GR regarding the usage of UI. He reported on the progress related to the DETA feature for the mass upload of type approvals and the implementation by three Type Approval Authorities. He reiterated the request for decision by WP.29 regarding the access to DETA by Technical Services in case these Technical Services are performing an authoritative task under governmental control (as opposed to other Technical Services being commercial economic operators).

59. The representative of France commended the work of Germany in setting the upload function on the database and informed WP.29 that France would use the upload to ensure its functionality in France. He volunteered to give a feedback to WP.29 on the use of this functionality in case any issue would arise.

60. The representative of Spain suggested that WP.29 allow all Technical Services to have access to DETA. The representative of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland raised a question regarding the access to DETA for Technical Services, in particular concerning the commercial confidentiality of the information contained in the system. He suggested that Technical Services would only be granted access to approval pursuant to UN Regulations for which they are nominated by their Type Approval Authorities. WP.29 concluded that further elaborations were needed and recommended the group to define criteria regarding the access to information in DETA.

61. WP.29 invited all the Contracting Parties to start the work for allowing relevant organisations to upload all the approvals they issue to DETA.

62. WP.29 authorized the group to distribute informal document WP.29-188-20 to its subsidiary bodies.

63. The representative of France suggested that the IWG would elaborate a standard clause to be used in any UN Regulation for prohibiting the use of UI. In this respect, the representative of Germany, Chair of IWG on DETA suggested that an amendment to Schedule 5 of the 1958 Agreement could also be considered. WP.29 agreed that these suggestions should be considered by its subsidiary bodies.

64. The secretariat reminded the World Forum that the situation related to hosting DETA at UNECE remained unchanged. The representative of the United States of America reconfirmed their objection to the hosting of DETA at ECE under regular budget.

65. The World Forum thanked Germany for continuing to host DETA.

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