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Handling access to in-vehicle data at the GRVA
Document GRVA-13-41
24 May 2022
Submitted by CITA
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
5. (c) | Data and vehicle communications

54. The expert from CITA presented GRVA-13-42 (introducing GRVA-13-41), proposing the establishment of a new informal working group to develop a harmonized way to deal with in-vehicle data for sovereign tasks.

55. The expert from Canada felt that the proposal was to regulate the commercialization of in-vehicle data. He stated that the proposal by CITA was confusing, as GRVA already had established an IWG dealing with data, namely the IWG on EDR/DSSAD. He highlighted that the focus should be on data related to safety and that there was no need to regulate infotainment.

56. The expert from CITA clarified that their proposal focused on the transmission of data, not the collection of data points as developed by the group on EDR/DSSAD.

57. The expert from Canada asked whether there would be a value to have a separate group dealing with this point.

58. The expert from AAPC shared the views of Canada. He recalled that national laws existed and wondered how this would fit in the mandate of WP.29. The expert from ITU felt that this proposal was aimed to use WP.29 to get access to vehicle data for the purpose of CITA members.

59. The expert from CLEPA pointed at the activities of the IWG on DETA.

60. The expert from FIA stated that the priority should not be the commercialization of data. He suggested to remove blockages created by UN Regulation No. 155, instead.

61. The expert from FIGIEFA preferred to address this concern at the European Union level.

62. The expert from CITA clarified that the use case envisaged was only related to sovereign use cases such as periodic technical inspection, as defined in the 1997 Agreement.

63. The expert from the United States of America, Co-Chair of the IWG on EDR/DSSAD, invited the expert from CITA to join the meetings of the IWG on EDR/DSSAD.

64. GRVA agreed to resume consideration of this matter, based on a revised proposal from CITA to clarify their position.

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