Reissued proposal (prepared by the GRVA secretariat) from GRVA to introduce a “risk mitigation function” (RMF) to enable an automated emergency response to driver incapacitation or unresponsiveness during use of an automatically commanded steering function.
99. The Chair of GRVA presented draft amendment proposals contained in documents ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/72 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/82 as amended by WP.29-184-05, reproduced in Annex VI, under agenda items 4.8.1 and 4.8.2., to amend UN Regulation No. 79. The World Forum recommended their submission to AC.1 for voting.
GRVA received a progress report of the Task Force on Advanced Driver Assistant Systems (ADAS).
GRVA requested the secretariat to submit ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/82 as amended by GRVA-10-38 (as amended in session) to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their June 2021 sessions. The corresponding WP.29 document is informal document WP.29-184-05.
WP.29/2021/82 | |
WP.29-184-05 |