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UN R157: Considerations in the implementation of ALKS
Document GRVA-09-33
2 February 2021
Submitted by DfT and UK
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4. (d) UN Regulation on Automated Lane Keeping System

27. The expert from UK introduced GRVA-09-33, providing information on the discussions in his country regarding the implementation of UN Regulation No. 157, also related to traffic rules. The expert from ITU mentioned the complexity of traffic rules and the existing nuances regarding traffic rules something within the same country. He mentioned that he learned about activities of the Group of Expert reporting to WP.1 on the development of a database for traffic signs and asked if it was accessible.

28. GRVA noted the local nuances in traffic rules that had to be properly taken into account and inquired whether the Type Approval of a foreign Country would have enough knowledge about nuances in other countries. The expert from the Netherlands suggested that this discussion could be held at the level of the Executive Task Force of WP.1/WP.29. GRVA agreed that this point would require coordination among the GRVA IWGs.

Relates to UN R157 |