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UN R155: Proposal for a Supplement
Document GRVA-07-08
15 September 2020

Proposal to clarify that the Approval Authority should postpone granting a cybersecurity management approval in the absence of agreement on the common interpretation of a provision where the interpretation of the Approval Authority has raised comments from other authorities under the review procedure provided for in paragraph 5.3.4.

Submitted by Russia
Status: Informal GR review
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
5. (a) Cyber security and data protection

27. The expert from the Russian Federation presented GRVA-07-08, proposing a clarification of para. 5.3.5. of UN Regulation No. [155]. The expert from Japan explained that the proposed clarification should be carefully reviewed as it could lead to restrictions to the rights of Contracting Parties according to the 1958 Agreement. The author agreed and mentioned that ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2020/97 already provided some clarifications.

Relates to UN R155 |