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Terms of Reference for the informal group on the Behaviour of M2 and M3 vehicles' general construction in case of Fire Event (BMFE)
Document GRSG-116-12
22 March 2019
Submitted by France
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
2. (b) | UN Regulation No. 118 (Burning behaviour of materials)

11. GRSG noted GRSG-116-12, tabled by BMFE, which proposes a correction to paragraph 4 of the IWG terms of reference. GRSG endorsed the proposal below:

Report ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/93, Annex II, paragraph 4., correct to read:

The completion target and date for the work of the IWG shall be a draft amendment to UN Regulations Nos. 107 and 118 at the 119th session of GRSG (October 2020).”

12. GRSG agreed to resume discussions at its next session.

Relates to UN R107 | UN R118 |