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UN R78: Proposal for amendments
Document GRRF-86-35
15 February 2018

Updated version of document GRRF/2017/14 to amend UN R78 with regard to stop lamp activation. IMMA has proposed (document GRE/2015/42) to allow stop lamp activation under UN R53 through means other than application of the brakes (e.g., by electric vehicle regenerative braking). This proposal accordingly amends UN R78 regarding generation of the brake signal.

Submitted by IMMA
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
9. (b) UN Regulation No. 78

51. The expert from IMMA introduced GRVA-01-42 as a follow-up proposal of
GRRF-86-35 aiming to specify the stop lamp activation criteria for conditions other than only on application of the service brake (e.g. regenerative braking). She explained that the proposal is based on the provisions laid down in UN Regulation No.13-H. The expert of OICA mentioned that they were working on amendments to these criteria. GRVA encouraged the experts from IMMA and OICA to come up with harmonized provisions for UN Regulations Nos. 78 and 13-H and requested the secretariat to distribute the proposal with an official symbol at the next session of GRVA unless an alternative proposal would be submitted by the experts from CLEPA and OICA.

5. (a) Motorcycle braking: Global technical regulation No. 3
5. (b) Motorcycle braking: Regulation No. 78

22. The expert from IMMA introduced GRRF-86-35 with provisions allowing additional conditions for the activation of the stop lamp. The proposal received some comments. GRRF noted that some conditions were related to regenerative braking and, therefore, GRRF recommended to explore corresponding provisions in UN Regulations Nos. 13 and 13-H on the braking performance of regenerative braking and to complement the proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 78 with corresponding provision, not only addressing brake light activation requirements. GRRF noted the potential need to clarify the need of the word “instantaneous” in para. 5.1.16. The expert from IMMA agreed to submit a revised proposal for the September 2018 session of GRRF.

5. (b) Motorcycle braking: Regulation No. 78

21. The expert from IMMA introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2017/14 as amended GRRF-84-13 with provisions allowing additional conditions for the activation of the stop lamp. The expert from Canada recommended addressing this question within GTR No. 3. The Chair noted that ETRTO would not be allowed to propose amendments to GTR No. 3 and asked whether a Contracting Party to the 1998 Agreement could sponsor this amendment. GRRF raised the question why the author of the proposal selected provisions from Regulation No. 13 and not from Regulation No. 13-H. The expert from IMMA agreed to submit a revised proposal for the February 2018 session of GRRF.

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