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Proposal to introduce requirements for the use of light-emitting diode substitute light sources in the new Regulation on Light-Signalling Devices
Document GRE/2017/14
10 August 2017

Proposal to introduce the following changes into the draft new Regulation on light-signalling devices:

  1. Use of LED substitute light source(s) is allowed and does not constitute a change of the lamp type. However, lamp performances shall be tested during type approval also with the LED substitute light source. Approval of the lamp using filament light source(s) is a prerequisite for approval of the lamp using LED substitute light source(s).
  2. COP testing of the lamp is required with an (etalon) filament light source only, because the LED substitute is the counterpart light source of the filament light source, resulting in equivalent photometrical lamp performance. The quality i.e. the equivalence to the filament light source, is controlled in R128.
  3. Use of LED substitute light sources is at the discretion of the applicant, who shall declare this use, if any, to the Approval Authorities at the time of application for the first lamp approval or subsequent extension of approval issued for the version using the LED substitute light source.
  4. The use of LED substitute light source(s) in a certain lamp type shall be indicated on the lamp by marking of the LED substitute light source category, in addition to the marking of the filament light source of which the LED substitute light source is the counterpart.
  5. This marking on the lamp will be used for checking the allowance for use of lamps with LED substitute light sources in application of the Regulation on lamps installation on vehicle.
  6. In case a lamp with colour filter(s) is approved for using LED substitute light source(s), this lamp shall be marked “G” to indicate that this lamp shall be equipped with LED substitute light source(s) marked “G” for colour and luminous intensity quality reasons.
  7. The indication of both the filament light source and of its LED counterpart light source, if any, shall be explicitly provided in the communication form.

Submitted by GTB
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4. Simplification of lighting and light-signalling UN Regulations
5. UN Regulations Nos. 37 (Filament lamps), 99 (Gas discharge light sources), 128 (Light emitting diodes light sources) and the Consolidated Resolution on the common specification of light source categories)

20. GRE also considered a parallel proposal by TF SR which introduced requirements for the use of LED substitute light sources in the new LSD UN Regulation (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2018/42). GRE adopted the proposal, as amended by Annex III, and requested the secretariat to submit them to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration at their June 2019 sessions.

4. Simplification of lighting and light-signalling Regulations

14. Pending the outcome of the discussion on light emitting diode (LED) substitute light sources (see agenda item 5, paras. 17-19), GRE agreed to postpone consideration of ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2017/14, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2017/15 and GRE-78-04.

4. Simplification of lighting and light-signalling Regulations
5. Regulations Nos. 37, 99, 128 and RE5

12. The expert from GTB presented proposals for amendments to Regulation No. 128 and to the Consolidated Resolution (R.E.5) which introduce requirements and test specifications for light emitting diode (LED) substitute light sources as well as several new LED substitute light source categories (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2017/2, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2017/3, GRE-77-02, GRE-77-03, GRE-77-15, GRE-77-22). These proposals were accompanied by collective amendments to Regulations Nos. 48, 53, 74, 86 with the requirements for LED substitute light sources (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2017/4). The expert from GTB explained that the proposed approach was based on the following principles:

  • Lamps may be approved with a filament light source and its corresponding LED substitute light source, when fitting in the same holder, and providing an equivalent photometric performance;
  • Lamps equipped with LED substitute light sources should be tested with both the filament lamp and the LED substitute light source.

13. GRE also noted the proposal by GTB to introduce requirements for the use of LED substitute light sources in the new LSD Regulation (GRE-77-15).

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