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Proposal for Supplement 8 to the 07 series of amendments to Regulation No. 14
Document GRSP-61-18
5 May 2017

Proposal to clarify the text of UN R14. The current text has produced differing interpretations among Technical Services with regard to which requirements apply to central seating positions in rear rows of category M1 and N1 vehicles and the minimum distance between two effective lower belt anchorages (L1 and L2). The proposed amendment clarifies that rear seat rows can only have one central seating position with a reduced minimum distance of 240 mm. Rear seat rows with an even number of seats shall always have a distance of at least 350 mm.

Submitted by Germany
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
7. | Regulation No. 14 (Safety-belt anchorages)

13. The expert from Germany introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/23 on the minimum distance between the two effective lower belt anchorages L1 and L2, which aims to clarify that rear seat rows could only have one central seating position with a reduced minimum distance of 240 mm and 350 mm for the other rear seats. GRSP adopted the proposal, not amended. The secretariat was requested to submit the proposal as draft 09 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 14, for consideration and vote at the June 2018 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1.

8. | Regulation No. 14 (Safety-belt anchorages)

15. The expert from Germany also introduced GRSP-61-18, aimed at clarifying that rear seat rows can only have one central seating position with a reduced minimum distance of 240 mm and 350 mm for the other rear seats. The expert from EC raised a time reservation and suggested inserting transitional provisions as well. GRSP agreed to resume discussion on this subject at its December 2017 session and requested the secretariat to distribute GRSP-61-18 with an official symbol.

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