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Status report of the special interest group on UN R90
Document GRRF-83-26
25 January 2017

Update on the ad hoc group discussing how to clarify UN R90 with regard to replacement brake components, including discussions on the merits of extending the scope to brake calipers which also relates to discussions on remanufactured components.

Submitted by IDIADA
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
6. Regulation No. 90

25. The expert from Spain reported on behalf of the Special Interest Group (SIG) on Regulation No. 90 on the outcome of the group following two meetings (GRRF-83-26). He mentioned that the group of experts considered a list of issues for future consideration. He added that the group already reached a common understanding about the type definition interpretation of replacement parts. He concluded that a final report would be delivered at the September 2017 session of GRRF, with a potential recommendation for the establishment of an informal working group on Regulation No. 90 (and corresponding draft terms of reference), if the experts would conclude that it is necessary. He announced that the next meeting of the SIG would be organized in April 2017 and requested that the secretariat circulate an invitation by email.

26. The experts from OICA and CLEPA expressed concerns with elements of the presentation of the expert from Spain. The Chair of GRRF noted the number of items for consideration and advised the group of experts to define priorities and to separate the work that would cause an extension of scope of the Regulation e.g. replacement calipers.

27. The expert from Spain recalled the discussion that took place at the seventy-fifth session of GRRF (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/75, para. 49) and that was related to safety issues on proving grounds or on public roads linked to braking tests. He proposed to resume consideration of this issue at the next session of GRRF.

Relates to UN R90 |