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Proposal for Supplement 10 to Regulation No. 65
Document WP.29/2017/29
20 December 2016

Proposal to clarify the definition of “type”, with regard to manufacturer, trade names and marks and to introduce editorial improvements to the requirements for markings.

Status: Adopted
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4.9.11. Proposal for Supplement 10 to Regulation No. 65
5. (e) Regulations Nos. 3, 4, 6, 7, 19, 23, 38, 50, 69, 70, 77, 82, 87, 89, 91, 104, 112, 113, 119 and 123

31. The expert from GTB presented ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2014/3 clarifying the definition of “type” with regard to manufacturer, trade names and marks and to introduce editorial improvements to the requirements for markings. This document superseded ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2013/45 and GRE-70-02 adopted by GRE at its seventieth session. Various experts identified a number of issues which would require further consideration and clarification. GRE agreed to continue this discussion at the next session and suggested that ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2014/3 become part of a horizontal document collecting common provisions of UN lighting and light-signalling Regulations (see agenda item 6 below).

9. Regulation No. 65 (Special warning lamps)
12. (d) Any other business
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