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Proposal for amendments to GRRF-82-08
Document GRRF-82-12
16 September 2016

Proposal, consolidating document GRRF-82-08 with the proposed test procedures, revising “option 4” as presented in the proposal introduce technical requirements for Corrective Steering Functions under UN R79 (document GRRF/2016/45). Option 4 proposes to amend the definition of corrective steering functions and to include technical requirements for LKAS as an ASCF of Category B1. The proposal includes:

  • Clarification of Corrective steering function (CSF) incl. defining of new requirements;
  • Establishment of new categories for automatically commanded steering function (ACSF): Categories A, B1, B2, C, D and E;
  • Wording for requirements of Category A (incl. remote parking RCP), and Category B1.

Submitted by OICA
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
8. (b) | Other ITS issues
9. (a) | Regulation No. 79
9. (c) | Automatically Commanded Steering Function (ACSF)

53. The expert from Germany introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2016/45, containing four options as possible ways forward to progress on ACSF. The Secretary of the IWG on Automatically Commanded Steering Function (ACSF) gave a presentation reporting on the progress made by the group (GRRF-82-17). He reported on definitions proposed for ACSF of Categories A to E, clarifications proposed for Corrective Steering Functions (CSF) and new provisions proposed for RCP. GRRF acknowledged the status report received and agreed to work on an amendment to Option 4 as proposed by GRRF-82-12. The proposal for Option 4 received several comments in GRRF-82-08, GRRF-82-09, GRRF-82-14, GRRF-82-15, GRRF-82-18, GRRF-82-19 and GRRF-82-26.

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