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Proposal for Supplement 27 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 6 and Supplement 19 to the original series of amendments to Regulation No. 50
Document GRE/2016/20
9 August 2016

Pursuant to interpretation issues raised by Germany at the seventy-fifth session of GRE, a Task Force on Sequential Activaton was established to clarify the meaning of the “one continuous line” requirement in paragraph 5.6.(c) of Regulation No. 6. The task force proposes to clarify the type definition and reduce the need for dividing sequential direction indicators into different types. This proposal revises the text to be more technology-neutral, removing specifications on how light sources are activated to focus on the visual performance as sequential lighting. The amendment of sub-paragraph 5.6.(c) of UN R6 clarifies what kind of vertical movement is not allowed in the sequential direction indicators, proposing a new new term “vertical oscillations” instead of the current wording “repeating alternation in the vertical direction”. The meaning is that not more than one change of direction upwards or downwards along the vertical axis is possible. The “continuous signal” is also defined in sub-paragraph 5.6.(c) of Regulation No. 6. The allowed distance between adjacent or tangential distinct parts has yet to be defined. TF-SA could not find a consensus about the distance (in mm) before the deadline for submitting official working documents to the seventy-sixth session of GRE. Thus, the value is still marked between square brackets, leaving the final decision to GRE. Before the seventy-sixth session of GRE, TF-SA experts are going to investigate what the suitable value would be. The idea of TF-SA is that the sequential direction indicator should produce a visually clear and continuous signal when viewed by an observer from a 10 m distance. The same amendments as in paragraph 5.6. of the UN R6 are also proposed to paragraph 6.8. of Regulation No. 50 for L-category vehicles. Unlike paragraph 1.3. of Regulation No. 6, paragraph 2.2. of Regulation No. 50 does not define the sequential activation as a type differentiation criterion. Therefore, amendments to paragraph 2.2. of Regulation No. 50 are not necessary.

Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4.10.2. | Proposal for Supplement 28 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 6
4.10.3. | Proposal for Supplement 29 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 6
4.10.9. | Proposal for Supplement 19 to Regulation No. 50
4.10.10. | Proposal for Supplement 20 to Regulation No. 50
7. (a) | Other Regulations: Regulation No. 6 and Regulation No. 50

22. GRE recalled its previous considerations of the amendment proposals to Regulations Nos. 6 and 50 concerning direction indicators with sequential activation (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/76, para. 22 and Annex IV) and resumed the discussion on whether or not these proposals would require a new series of amendments and/or transitional provisions. The expert from OICA pointed out that the proposed amendments included also installation requirements which should be moved to Regulation No. 48. To this end, he introduced draft amendments to Regulation No. 48 as well as revised proposals for amendments to Regulations Nos. 6 and 50, including a new series of amendments and transitional provisions for Regulation No. 6 (GRE-76-26-Rev.1). Following an extensive discussion, GRE was of the view that a new series of amendments was not necessary, as the proposed amendments were of clarification nature and did not introduce new requirements. At the same time, GRE agreed that the industry would need a transition period to take into account, in the design process, the amended provisions and decided to introduce them by means of a Supplement with transitional provisions. GRE adopted the proposals for amendments to Regulations Nos. 6, 48 (05 and 06 series of amendments) and 50, as contained in Annex III, and requested the secretariat to submit them to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their June 2017 sessions.

4. | Simplification of lighting and light-signalling Regulations
7. (a) | Regulation No. 6 (Direction indicators)

22. On behalf of the Task Force on Sequential Activation (TF-SA), the expert from Finland reported on its activities and proposed to clarify the requirements for direction indicators with sequential activation in Regulations Nos. 6 and 50 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2016/20 and GRE-76-10). The proposals received written comments from the experts of France, India and OICA (GRE-76-05, GRE-76-09 and GRE-76-16). Following an extensive discussion, GRE adopted the amended proposals, as laid down in Annex IV. At the same time, GRE was not in a position to reach consensus on whether or not the proposals would require a new series of amendments and/or transitional provisions. GRE decided to come back to this issue at the next session in April 2017. Meanwhile, the secretariat was requested to issue the adopted text (Annex IV) as a document for the June 2017 session of WP.29, upon the understanding that any possible amendments, to be decided by GRE in April 2017, could exceptionally be submitted to WP.29 as a corrigendum or addendum to this document.

7. (d) | Regulation No. 50 (Position, stop, direction indicators lamps for mopeds and motorcycles)

26. GRE noted that the proposal to clarify the requirements for direction indicators with sequential activation (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2016/20) was considered in conjunction with Regulation No. 6 (para. 22 above).

8. | Pending amendment proposals
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