EVS Task Force 6 (Battery State-of-Charge): Final NHTSA position on adjustment of battery state of charge
Reference Number: EVSTF-06-07
NHTSA recommendations for the state-of-charge of the energy system of plug-in and fuel-cell vehicles at the time of testing and on the conditioning procedures prior to testing.
EVS Task Force 6 (Battery State-of-Charge): JRC Opinion on NHTSA State of Charge Adjustment Proposal
Reference Number: EVSTF-06-09
JRC position accepting the NHTSA views (document EVSTF-06-07) on the state-of-charge levels prior to testing (i.e., 95% for externally charged systems and 90% for fuel cell vehicles) and openness to revised language related to the draft “48-hour elapsed time prior to testing” provision.
Presentation of OICA views on the NHTSA, JRC, and Japan input regarding the state-of-charge of the batteries (or other energy storage systems) under electric vehicle safety testing.