Working Party on Automated and Connected Vehicles | Session 11 | 27 Sep-1 Oct 2021
Web conference
Agenda Item 4. (d)
UN Regulation on Automated Lane Keeping System

GRVA agreed to review the DSSAD related provisions contained in the amendment proposal to UN Regulation No. 157, transmitted by GRVA at its May 2021 session to WP.29 for consideration and vote in November 2021.

GRVA-11-08 UN R157: Proposal to amend GRVA-10-36
GRVA-11-32 UN R157: Special Interest Group status report
GRVA-11-33 UN R157: Proposal to amend the supplement to the original series of amendments
GRVA/2020/32 ALKS: Proposal for amendment (Germany)
GRVA/2020/33 ALKS: Proposal for an amendment (Germany)
GRVA/2021/30 UN R157: Proposal for a supplement to the original series of amendments
GRVA/2021/31 UN R157: Proposal for a Supplement to the original series of amendments
WP.29/2021/143 UN R157: Proposal for Supplement 3