28. The expert from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland introduced the report of the Special Interest Group (SIG) on UN Regulation No. 157, provided in GRVA-11-32. He explained the progress made by the group on the provisions developments related to higher speeds for ALKS concerning: (i) following distances (in line with traffic rules), (ii) smooth and anticipatory driving that avoids inducing string instability in traffic, (iii) strategies to mitigate collisions with wrong way drivers and pedestrians, forward detection ranges along with control strategies to adapt speed if braking performance and/or detection range is impaired and (iv) new performance model introduced for reference. He mentioned the open points still under consideration.
29. GRVA clarified that no decision would be taken at this session, GRVA reviewed the long list of proposals and reference documents under this agenda item and requested the secretariat to remove outdated documents from the agenda for the next session.
30. The expert from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland introduced GRVA-11-33 (amendment proposal by the SIG to raise the specified ALKS maximum speed up to 130 km/h), upon request from the expert of France.