World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 184 | 22-24 Jun 2021
Web conference
Agenda Item 19.8.
UN GTR No. 8 (Electronic stability control systems (ESC))

149. The representative of the Republic of Korea presented the work progress on an amendment to UN GTR No. 8. He recalled that AC.1 adopted, at its June 2020 session, amendments to UN Regulation No. 140 (ESC) for allowing new innovative steering systems which have a significantly lower steering gear ratio. He added that, for the sake of keeping the consistency between the UN Regulation No. 140 and UN GTR No. 8, the Republic of Korea had submitted a proposal for amendments to UN GTR No. 8 at the September 2020 GRVA session. He recalled that the proposal submitted received comments from Canada and that no consensus had been reached so far. He explained that there had not been a heightened sense of urgency for completion of this work as this new technology was not yet deployed on the market.

150. The delegate from the United States of America explained that he had similar views as delegates from Canada and proposed the organization of consultations involving the interested stakeholders. The representative of the Republic of Korea welcomed this initiative, and informed stakeholders that attempts would be made to organize consultations before the end of September 2021.

WP.29/2020/99 GTR 8: Request for authorization to develop an amendment (Korea)