Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 144 (Accident Emergency Call System)
Proposal WP.29/2020/104 to clarify that UN R144 excludes assessment of the frequency or duration of re-establishing a voice communication and retrying data transmission.
UN R144: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 01 series of amendments
UN R144: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 01 series of amendments
GRSG proposal to clarify that UN R144 excludes assessment of the frequency or duration of re-establishing a voice communication and retrying data transmission.
This proposal (WP.29/2020/104) was adopted by the World Forum. Thirty-nine Contracting Parties out of the 56 applying UN R144 were present for the vote by AC.1. Thirty-eight voted in favor with zero against and one abstaining.