Working Party on Automated and Connected Vehicles | Session 7 | 21-25 Sep 2020
Web conference
Agenda Item 8. (c)

64. The expert from France introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/20, aimed at clarifying the provisions in Annex 3, para., in case the batteries have been recharged or replaced with a charged set, between the hot performance and recovery procedure, when the linings temperature is no longer at the temperature. GRVA adopted it and requested the secretariat to submit it as supplement to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 13-H for consideration and vote by WP.29 and AC.1 at their March 2021 sessions.

65. The expert from CLEPA presented GRVA-07-68, introducing ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/21 with provisions for the type approval of Electromechanical Braking systems. The expert from OICA introduced GRVA-07-46, aimed at improving and finalizing some open items in the CLEPA proposal. The expert from the Netherlands stated that some open items should still be finalized before adoption, such as para. and should address the deterioration over time of the state of charge and the state of health. He also mentioned issues related to temperature differences during a trip that might impact the performance of the system. GRVA agreed to resume consideration of this matter at its next session.

66. GRVA agreed to defer consideration of ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/31 and GRVA-07-48 on stop lights illumination at its next session.

67. The expert from Poland introduced GRVA-07-67 proposing correction to the table in para. 2.1.1. of Annex 4 in Regulation No. 13. GRVA requested the secretariat to distribute the document with an official symbol at the February 2021 session of GRVA.

68. The expert from Germany introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/36 proposing amendments to the endurance braking requirements, addressing concerns related to electric vehicles. The expert from OICA withdrew ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/37 and worked on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/36. He presented GRVA-07-75, introducing GRVA-07-73-Rev.1, superseding GRVA-07-47 and incorporating GRVA-07-05, submitted by the expert from the Czech Republic.

69. GRVA adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/36 as amended by GRVA-07-73-Rev.1 (Annex XI of the session report) and requested the secretariat to submit it as supplement to the 11 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 13 for consideration and vote by WP.29 and AC.1 at their March 2021 sessions.

GRVA-07-46 UN R13: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2020/21 (OICA)
GRVA-07-47 UN R13: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2020/36 (OICA)
GRVA-07-48 UN R13-H: Presentation in support of document GRVA/2020/31 (OICA)
GRVA-07-67 UN R13: Proposal for amendments (Poland)
GRVA-07-68 UN Regulation No. 13 and Electro-Mechanical Brakes (CLEPA)
GRVA-07-73/Rev.1 UN R13: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2020/36 (OICA)
GRVA-07-75 UN R13: Supporting presentation for document GRVA-07-73 (OICA)
GRVA/2020/20 UN R13-H: Proposal for a Supplement to the 01 series of amendments (France)
GRVA/2020/21 UN R13: Proposal for Supplement 17 to the 11 series of amendments (CLEPA)
GRVA/2020/31 UN R13-H: Proposal for Supplement 02 to the 01 Series of amendments (CLEPA and OICA)