Working Party on Pollution and Energy | Session 80 | 14-17 Jan 2020

Session proper starting on Wednesday, 15 January from 2.30 PM. The deadline for the submission of official working documents is 21 October 2019.

Agenda Item 4. (c)
Worldwide provisions for Heavy Duty vehicles Fuel Economy

36. The expert from OICA introduced GRPE-80-26 summarizing the outcome of the Heavy Duty Fuel Economy (HDFE) workshop held earlier during the GRPE week. He highlighted there is continuous interest from contracting parties on the topic of harmonization of HDFE, but that, to date, no contracting parties were in the position to sponsor the creation of a new IWG on the issue.

37. The Chair confirmed that the situation, where there is interest to work on a topic but no resources are available, was unfortunate. He welcomed the proposal from OICA to have an ad-hoc group open to all interested parties to work on the development of harmonized guidance provisions that could then be considered by GRPE. He requested more information about the timeframe for the initiation of those activities. The representative from OICA highlighted that a more detailed planning will be developed in due course and assistance from the secretariat would be sought to share the information with GRPE.