World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 179 | 12-14 Nov 2019

This session uses a new schedule under which AC.2 will meet from 9:00 on Tuesday, 12 November, followed by the opening of the plenary WP.29 session at 14:30. The session will conclude by 17:30 on Thursday, 14 November with the reading of the report.

Agenda Item 2.2.
Programme of work and documentation

15. The Secretary of WP.29 presented the programme of work with a strategic introduction on the main priorities of the WP.29 work, which are related, among others, to vehicle automation and environmental protection (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2019/1/Rev.2).

16. WP.29 adopted the revised programme of work for 2019 based on document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2019/1/Rev.2.

17. The World Forum took note of the list of Working Parties and Chairs (WP.29-179-01) and the draft 2020 calendar for WP.29 and its subsidiary bodies (WP.29-179-02). In line with the recommendation of AC.2 proposal, WP.29 adopted the calendar of meetings for 2020 with the option to amend, during the March 2020 session of AC.2, the allocation of GRs to the meetings planned in the second half of 2020.

18. The 2020 calendar and the list of Working Parties, Informal Working Groups (IWG) and Chairs are reproduced in annexes I and II to this report.