World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 178 | 24-28 Jun 2019
Agenda Item 19.6.
UN GTR No. 6 (Safety glazing)

157. The representative of the Republic of Korea reported on the progress of work of the IWG on Panoramic Sunroof Glazing (PSG) in developing an amendment to UN GTR No. 6. She informed the session that during April 2019, the eleventh Panoramic Sunroof Glazing IWG meeting had been held and followed by three web conferences on recommendations for the Ceramic Printed Area (CPA) with a view to minimizing CPA as much as possible. She added that the group had expected to hold another web conference to discuss the recommendations in greater detail, to come up with a draft recommendation document before the twelfth meeting and finally submit it to the October 2019 session of GRSG.

158. Moreover, the representative of the Republic Korea informed GRSG that Korean experts proposed to amend UN GTR No. 6 on safety glazing to exempt, in Zone I, the possible opaque obscuration in the test area on the windscreen of Category 1-2 and 2 vehicles which is used for installing devices such as rain-drop sensor, inside mirror or autonomous vehicle sensors, etc. She concluded that GRSG agreed to consider at the next GRSG session this proposal to amend UN GTR No.6. She explained that WP.29-178-12 consists of four sections: objective, background, subject of amendment, and timeline.

159. AC.3 requested the secretariat to distribute WP.29-178-12 with an official symbol at its November 2019 session.

WP.29-178-12 GTR 6: Request for authorization to develop an amendment (Korea)