Proposal for Supplement 14 to the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 44 (Child Restraint Systems)
UN R44: Proposal for Supplement 14 to the 04 series of amendments
UN R44: Proposal for Supplement 14 to the 04 series of amendments
Proposal to cease new approvals of non-integral group 2 and group 2/3 child restraint systems under UN Regulation No. 44 as of 1 September 2019, to delete a reference to the “Y” symbol denoting a crotch strap, to allow for the use of digital means (QR code, smartphone software application, etc.) in furnishing the consumer with the list of vehicle applications of a CRS, to clarify that the opening force applied to the ISOFIX attachments of a complete seat or of a seat component under the test protocol is 50 ± 1 N, and to clarify the test protocol for positioning and securing the child restraint system on the vehicle.
This proposal (WP.29/2018/39) was adopted by the World Forum. Thirty-three Contracting Parties out of the 44 applying UN R44 were present for the vote by AC.1. Thirty-three voted in favor with zero against and zero abstaining.