Working Party on Brakes and Running Gear | Session 86 | 12-16 Feb 2018

The deadline for the submission of official working documents is 20 November 2017.

Agenda Item 9. (b)
Steering equipment: Automatically Commanded Steering Function

47. The expert from Japan, on behalf of the Co-Chairs of the IWG on Automatically Commanded Steering Function (ACSF), reported on the outcome of the sixteenth session of IWG on Automatically Commanded Steering Function (ACSF) held on 23-25 January 2018 in Japan (GRRF-86-20-Rev.1). He explained that the group sought for guidance from GRRF on the proper way to address ACSF of Categories B2 and [C2]. GRRF agreed that the Category B2 shall be considered in the context of SAE level 3 or 4 as a first priority. GRRF recognised the interest from industry on an additional option for Category C (C2) and noted that the industry may work separately on this. The expert from Japan stated that, as a second priority, GRRF could also develop provisions for ACSF of Category B2 in the context of SAE level 2. GRRF reviewed in detail the presentation and provided recommendations to the IWG on ACSF on the basis of GRRF-86-20-Rev.1 as reflected in GRRF-86-36. Noting the ambitious deadline for the group and the number of tasks, GRRF’s recommendations included among others the establishment of tasks forces that would work through Web Conferencing in order to make progress before the next session of the IWG on ACSF scheduled in April 2018. GRRF also identified bodies that could develop provisions on transversal issues, not necessarily in the remit of GRRF under the current mandate. GRRF agreed that its Chair would consult GRSG on regulatory activities for Data Storage Systems for Automated Driving (DSSAD).

48. The expert from Germany presented GRRF-86-13 tabled by the experts from Germany and from the Republic of Korea with a proposal for amendments to the ACSF testing provisions in Annex 8 of UN Regulation No. 79, based on the first experience gathered since the 02 series of amendments of UN Regulation No. 79 entered into force. GRRF welcomed the proposal and provided comments. The experts from Germany and the Republic of Korea volunteered to prepare a revised proposal aimed to avoid prescriptive requirements on the measurement instruments and providing more detailed justification e.g. on the sample rate and the filtering of the lateral acceleration data.

49. The expert from OICA reported on ongoing activities at ISO on the development of ISO 11992.

GRRF-86-13 UN R79: Proposal for amendments (Germany and Korea)
GRRF-86-20/Rev.1 Status report of the ACSF informal group
GRRF-86-30 UN R79: Protection of steering gear in a collision (Norway and NPRA)
GRRF-86-36 ACSF: GRRF recommendations for further work