Proposal for Supplement 15 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 67 (LG Europe)
Proposal for Supplement 15 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 67
Proposal to allow for the approval of systems using non-seamless double and single wall tubes subject to testing for high pressure and high resistance to pressure pulses. The proposal would also add general test requirements for LPG fuel lines and couplings based on ISO Standard 15500 for compressed natural gas equipment.
AEGPL comments on Poland's Supplement proposal for UN R67 (GRSG/2017/10) (LG Europe)
AEGPL comments on Poland's Supplement proposal for UN R67 (GRSG/2017/10)
In GRSG/2017/10, Poland proposes requirements for the LPG tank and its accessories. AEGPL notes that UN R67 requires a specific bonfire test of the container equipped with specific configurations of accessories which includes markings to indicate the extension number of each accessory corresponding to each configuration. In order to ensure that the user knows whether an accessory can be fitted with a specific container, AEGPL proposes to require marking the extension number on the accessories relevant to the bonfire test (multivalve, pressure relief valve and pressure relief device) in order to prevent/forbid the fitting of any accessory not approved for use in each container configuration. This alternative proposal to that in GRSG/2017/10 would imply a new marking requirement for accessories, but would avoid the proliferation of accessory type-approval numbers and increase in paperwork.
Proposal for amendments to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 67 (LG Europe)
Proposal for amendments to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 67
Proposal to introduce tolerances for dish, bayonet, and acme filling units in order to reduce risks of misuse in connecting these filling units with nozzles.
Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 67 (Germany)
Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 67
Proposal to establish a requirement for easy access to the LPG container installation in order to permit visual (periodical) inspection as a means to reduce the safety risks, such as refueling explosion, due to corrosion.
The importance of the type definition in the UN Regulation No. 67 type-approval process (Poland)
The importance of the type definition in the UN Regulation No. 67 type-approval process
Presentation supporting GRSG/2017/10 to clarify the definitions of LPG container accessories to facilitate coordination between the separate, independent approvals required for the LPG container and for its accessories.
Proposal for a Supplement to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 67 (LG Europe)
Proposal for a Supplement to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 67
Proposal for new safety provisions with regard to LPG systems having hydraulic interconnections with the petrol or diesel fueling system through which inter-flows of fuels may occur.
Proposal for Supplement 15 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 67 (Netherlands)
Proposal for Supplement 15 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 67
Proposal to establish procedures for the approval of non-seamless double and single wall gas tubes provided they can withstand the applicable tests according to Annex 15.
Proposal for Supplement 15 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 67 (Poland)
Proposal for Supplement 15 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 67
Proposal to clarify the definitions of LPG container accessories to facilitate coordination between the separate, independent approvals required for the LPG container and for its accessories. The proposal aims to ensure proper coordination between container approvals (which involve testing with accessories attached) and accessory approvals (which may be subsequent to the original container approval and therefore, relevant to its validity).