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Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 67
Document GRSG-112-32
24 April 2017

Proposal to establish a requirement for easy access to the LPG container installation in order to permit visual (periodical) inspection as a means to reduce the safety risks, such as refueling explosion, due to corrosion.

Submitted by Germany
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
6. (a) | Amendments to gas-fuelled vehicle regulations: Regulation No. 67 (LPG vehicles)

28. The expert from Germany presented ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2017/16 that amends the provisions of UN Regulation No. 67 to improve the specifications for the Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) connecting the pressure relief valve with the gaseous phase for multi-valve in the vehicle tanks and those for the installation and inspection of LPG containers and their accessories. The expert from OICA introduced GRSG-113-18 on modifications to the aging test requirements of some rubber materials and on further transitional provisions. The expert from AEGPL endorsed the proposal to avoid a ban of some technologies and materials. Both proposals received a number of comments.

29. GRSG agreed on the need to revise the requirements on pipes for multivalves on LPG containers and to keep, at the same time, the testing provisions technology neutral. Thus, GRSG agreed to set up a Task Force under the leadership of Germany to find a compromise and to prepare a revised proposal for consideration at the next GRSG. It was also agreed to keep ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2017/16 on the agenda as a reference document. The secretariat was requested, in the absence of a revised proposal by the task force, to circulate GRSG-113-18 with an official symbol.

7. | Regulation No. 67

26. The expert from Germany proposed to also strengthen the requirements in UN Regulation No. 67 for the installation and inspection of LPG-containers and their accessories (GRSG-112-32). GRSG welcomed the proposal. The Chair invited all GRSG experts to send their comments, in due time, to the expert from Germany and proposed to resume consideration of this subject at the next session of GRSG on the basis of combined (see para. 25. above) proposal.

9. | Regulation No. 110

32. Reporting on some cases of structural failures of cylinders in his country, the expert from Italy proposed amendments to Annex 3A on the test requirements for the periodic requalification of cylinders (GRSG-112-28). The expert from Finland stated that these test requirements on periodical inspections of CNG/LNG vehicles in use were only recommendations to be taken into account during the type approval procedure of a new type of vehicle. GRSG noted that Contracting Parties were used to perform on their national level the periodical technical inspections in different ways. Referring to GRSG-112-32 presented under agenda item 7 (see para. 26 above), the expert from Germany introduced GRSG-112-33 proposing to also strengthen the requirements in UN Regulation No. 110 for the installation on vehicles of CNG-cylinders, LNG-tanks and their accessories as well as for their subsequent inspection of without the need of disassembling the containers.

33. GRSG noted general support on the proposals. The Chair invited all GRSG experts to send their comments, in due time, to the experts from Germany and Italy. GRSG agreed to resume consideration of this subject at its next session on the basis of official documents, prepared by Germany and Italy, taking into account the comments received.

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