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AEGPL comments on Poland's Supplement proposal for UN R67 (GRSG/2017/10)
Document GRSG-112-20
21 April 2017

In GRSG/2017/10, Poland proposes requirements for the LPG tank and its accessories. AEGPL notes that UN R67 requires a specific bonfire test of the container equipped with specific configurations of accessories which includes markings to indicate the extension number of each accessory corresponding to each configuration. In order to ensure that the user knows whether an accessory can be fitted with a specific container, AEGPL proposes to require marking the extension number on the accessories relevant to the bonfire test (multivalve, pressure relief valve and pressure relief device) in order to prevent/forbid the fitting of any accessory not approved for use in each container configuration. This alternative proposal to that in GRSG/2017/10 would imply a new marking requirement for accessories, but would avoid the proliferation of accessory type-approval numbers and increase in paperwork.

Submitted by LG Europe
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
6. (a) Amendments to gas-fuelled vehicle regulations: Regulation No. 67 (LPG vehicles)

33. Recalling the discussion on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2017/10 at the previous GRSG session, the expert from AEGPL presented ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2017/30 to further clarify the provisions for type approved accessories fitted to LPG containers and to insert an additional indication mark. The expert from Poland raised a study reservation and introduced the obligation to mark the products with the designation of the version, variant and the extension number of the type-approval certificate (GRSG-113-09). Both proposals received a number of comments.

7. Regulation No. 67

22. The expert from Poland gave a presentation (GRSG-112-37) justifying his proposal ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2017/10 to clarify the provisions for type approved accessories fitted to LPG containers. The proposal received some support. The expert from AEGPL presented GRSG-112-20 proposing, as an alternative, the additional marking of the accessories with the number of type approval extension. Following a controversial discussion, the expert from Poland proposed to set up either a task force or a new informal working group on gaseous fuelled vehicles to work on the best solution. His proposal to establish an IWG did not receive full support. Finally, GRSG agreed to resume consideration of this subject at its next session in October 2017 on the basis of a new proposal jointly prepared by Poland and AEGPL. Thus, GRSG invited all interested experts to send them, in due time, their written comments.

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