Working Party on Brakes and Running Gear | Session 83 | 23-27 Jan 2017
Agenda Item 8. (a)
Intelligent transport systems: Vehicle automation

49. The expert from EC mentioned the activities at the IWG on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) / Automated Driving (AD) concerning the extension of regulatory activities related to the SAE automation levels 3 and 4. He also mentioned the current discussion subject on the tasks distributions between the driver and the machine and he highlighted that further discussions with the Working Party on Road Traffic Safety (WP.1) would be useful.

50. GRRF welcomed the idea of its Chair to organize future joint meetings with WP.1. He highlighted the need to prioritize working items on Level 3 and possibly at a later stage on Level 4 given the challenges related to the ambitious timelines set.

51. The Secretary of the WP.1 informal group on automated vehicles reported on the latest discussions within the group i.e. the interpretation of the road traffic conventions and the implication for the different levels of automation.

52. Further discussions on vehicle automation took place under items 9 (b) and 11.