Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 121 (OICA)
Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 121
Proposal to adapt the provisions for multi-function displays to technological progress. In principle, current displays can convey more information to the driver, including levels of severity or importance, while the current text was written when technologies were less flexible. As a result, the current provisions risk impeding the use of beneficial multi-function tell-tales.
Proposal for amendments to document WP.29/2012/30 concerning Regulation No. 121 (OICA)
Proposal for amendments to document WP.29/2012/30 concerning Regulation No. 121
Proposal developed by the GRSG chair, OICA, and the UK to align the transitional provisions of the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 121 (document WP.29/2012/30, presently pending before WP.29 and awaiting parallel amendments from the GRRF for UN R13 and 13-H) with those of UN R13 and 13-H.