Informal Group on Amendments to UN R55.01 | Session 2 | 10-11 Oct 2012
Agenda Item 4.
Review of the list of items

The ToR for this working group included a list of items to address. This list was reviewed. Two items were added. Item no 29 on the definition of when a rigid drawbar is to be considered as an integrated part of the trailer chassis. Item no 30 on a definition what is a simple design. Both those items have been addressed for light trailers in the standard ISO7641. Furthermore it was noted that TÜV had some internal information on this and that the German Technische Anweisung 31. Mr. Svensson of VBG S was assigned to have the lead for those two items. They were classified as complex. Mr. Conrad of TÜV-Nord offered his support. He could also send a copy of TA 31 to the secretary. Concerning the calculation of the drawbars of simple design Mr Conrad offered to send to the secretary an internal document giving the procedure applied at TÜV-Nord.

A procedure exercised by AL-KO where they test the complete chassis including the drawbar was referenced. This may be possible for light trailers but for heavy trailers the problem is more tricky.

Mr Stokreef noted that the judgment of simple design or not varied between technical services.
No other adjustments were proposed to the ToR.