The Sub-group Chair reported on major results and action items of the 6th Sub-group “UN R0” meeting. (Doc.No.IWVTA-SGR0-07-01)
UK stated none of the three major issues, i.e., obligations of CP applying UN R0, rights of CP applying UN R0, and treatment of “if-fitted” requirements was resolved. UK indicated the necessity to bring up these issues to WP.29.
The Russian Federation suggested that explanatory notes and Q & A sheets on the flexible IWVTA scheme would be useful in bringing up these issues to WP.29.
UK replied that a detailed report would not be necessary. Rather, a couple of pages summarizing only points of issues would be adequate.
Japan suggested that the issues could be brought up at the WP29 session in the following week so as to urge as many CPs to participate in Sub-group “UN R0” September meeting.
OICA pointed out the necessity to consider the list of technical regulations applicable to IWVTA.
The Chairman responded that the list would be considered at GR Chairmen IWVTA meeting held on June 24 in Geneva.