World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 160 | 25-28 Jun 2013
Agenda Item 17.7.
Draft GTR on Electric Vehicles

117. The representative of Japan, Secretary of the IWG on electric vehicle safety (EVS), informed AC.3 that the group had agreed on an outline of the draft UN GTR to address all safety issues. He added that two options were considered: (i) a two-step approach or (ii) a single step approach on the road map to have a comprehensive UN GTR covering a broader range of technologies. He finally announced that a draft road map would be provided at the November 2013 session of AC.3.

118. The representative of EU stated that further research was still needed in the field of the safety of batteries. The representative of OICA stated that, in view of the growing importance of new propulsion systems, in particular electric vehicles, OICA strongly supported the development of a UN GTR on Electric Vehicle Safety as currently conducted by the IWG. He stated that, while the goal was to complete the development of the GTR by the end of 2014, some Contracting Parties were in the process of conducting further research, and consequently feared that this would compromise the timely completion of all the work. Therefore, OICA had proposed a two-step approach, with a quick completion of the GTR in step 1, using the available work, knowledge and experience gained from the development of UN Regulation No. 100 under the 1958 Agreement. The UN GTR could then be further developed in step 2 on the basis of the research currently conducted in some Contracting Parties on issues that they consider as insufficiently addressed in step 1. He asked for a renewed commitment by all parties to complete the work before the end of 2014 and to agree on a two-step approach, if necessary. The representative of Italy agreed with a two-step approach.

119. AC.3 agreed to resume discussion on this subject on the basis of a progress report and timeline plan drafted by the IWG on EVS.