The following steps were agreed for the initial actions:
- Mr. Rovers and Dr. Manz, in cooperation with the GRE Secretariat, will prepare a document listing all the pending proposals (starting from SLR-01-06 Annex E). This will be considered at the 9th SLR and then submitted to GRE-75 as informal paper.
- Dr. Manz will prepare for the 9th SLR meeting a first draft of the new simplified Regulations, on the basis of the structure indicated in document SLR-08-02.
- Mr. Loccufier will make a brief presentation, based on document SLR-08-05, at the 120th WP.29/AC.2 session on 7 March 2016. The target is to get an endorsement from the main stakeholders as well as collecting initial feedback and advice.
- A comprehensive SLR presentation and the structure of the new Regulations (see SLR-08-02) will be submitted to GRE-75 as
informal documents.
A detailed task list with responsibilities and time deadlines was distributed as document SLR-08-06.