World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 160 | 25-28 Jun 2013
Agenda Item 4.5.
Development of an electronic database for the exchange of type approval documentation (DETA)

63. The Chair of the IWG on DETA presented an interim report (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2013/65) and recalled that his group had concluded the first stage. WP.29 agreed on the need to establish the DETA database following the principles of the above-mentioned document, excluding those related to the Unique Identifier as well as all the questions related to the IWVTA and the UN Regulation No. 0, which would be considered instead by the IWG on IWVTA. The secretariat stated that the final decision for hosting the DETA server was still under consideration by UNECE.

WP.29/2013/65 Interim report on the development of DETA
WP.29/2013/65/Corr.1 Proposal for a corridendum to the DETA interim report and proposal