International Whole Vehicle Type Approval System | Session 19 | 6 Nov 2015
Agenda Item 5.
Preparation for the 167th WP.29 session
IWVTA-19-05 Draft Request to extend the mandate of IWVTA Informal Group
IWVTA-19-06 Preliminary draft report to 167th WP.29 session on IWVTA development
WP.29-167-09 Progress report of the informal working group on the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA) project
WP.29-167-10 Draft proposal of a question-and-answer document to explain UN Regulation No. 0 and IWVTA
WP.29-167-11 Request to extend the mandate of the informal group on the future direction for harmonization of vehicle regulations under the 1958 Agreement
WP.29/1083/Add.1 Report of the 150th session of the World Forum/WP.29: Addendum 1