World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 160 | 25-28 Jun 2013
Agenda Item 2.3.
Intelligent Transport Systems

22. The World Forum noted the final draft (WP.29-160-15) of the design principles for control systems for Advanced Diver Assistance Systems (ADAS), which included the comments received by GRE (WP.29-160-03), GRSG (WP.29-160-10), GRB and GRSP (WP.29-160-23) and GRRF (WP.29-160-24). The World Forum adopted WP.29-160-15 with the modifications indicated below. WP.29 agreed to transmit it to the Working Party on Road Safety (WP.1). It was also agreed that the World Forum would decide, at its next session, how the adopted design principles would be published, either as an annex to R.E.3 and to S.R.1 or as a final document.

  Throughout the text for “minimum [provisions/recommendations]” read “main recommendations”.

23. The representative of ITU informed WP.29 about the upcoming joint ITU/UNECE workshop on “Intelligent transport Systems in emerging markets – drivers for safe and sustainable growth”, scheduled to be held on Wednesday 27 June 2013 at the ITU premises in Geneva. He underlined the importance of vehicle to vehicle communication systems in reducing a large proportion of road accidents as well as the relevance of driver distractions. Therefore, he encouraged cooperation among ITS stakeholders, ITU and the automotive industry. Moreover, he added that the use of mobile devices by drivers in moving vehicles creates risks of vehicle accidents; while mobile devices continued to increase in numbers and capabilities, this trend increased the risk of driver distraction issues in moving vehicles. He stated that ITU would expect that the issues of driver distraction by mobile devices be addressed by: (i) legal promulgations in various jurisdictions prohibiting certain actions by drivers with their mobile devices, (ii) regulations by various vehicle and mobile regulators to prescribe requirements for new vehicles and new mobile devices, and (iii) technical implementations to enforce legal prescriptions and regulations covering the use of mobile devices by drivers in moving vehicles. He expressed his wish for a fruitful cooperation with WP.29.

24. The representative of the United States informed the World Forum that his country had developed extensive research on vehicle to vehicle communication systems and that regulatory initiatives would likely follow. He introduced WP.29-160-34 on NHTSA’s driver distraction guidelines showing the serious consideration taken by his country to consider this issue. He concluded with appreciation for ITUs perspective and offered his cooperation. However, he underlined that developing solutions involving smart phone applications that prevent crashes fell within the framework of regulatory activities of vehicle safety regulators in his country. He also informed the World Forum about the status of potential national regulatory activities on automatic crash notification systems.

WP.29-157-06 Design Principles for Control Systems of ADAS (Draft)
WP.29-160-03 Proposal for amendments to the ADAS control-system design principles
WP.29-160-10 GRSG comments to the draft Design Principles for Control Systems of ADAS
WP.29-160-15 Final Draft "Design Principles for Control Systems of ADAS" (Japan)
WP.29-160-23 GRB and GRSP comments to the ADAS control-systems design principles
WP.29-160-24 GRRF comments to the ADAS control-systems design principles
WP.29-160-34 NHTSA’s Driver Distraction Guidelines (NHTSA)