World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 161 | 12-15 Nov 2013
Agenda Item 4.1.
Status of the Agreement and of the annexed Regulations
WP.29-158-EIF 1958 Agreement: Adopted proposals and the situation of their entry into force
WP.29-160-EIF 1958 Agreement: Adopted proposals and the situation of their entry into force
WP.29-161-16 Review of the 1958 Agreement
WP.29-161-EIF 1958 Agreement: Adopted proposals and the situation of their entry into force
WP.29-159-EIF/Rev.3 1958 Agreement: Adopted proposals and the situation of their entry into force
WP.29/343/Rev.21/Rev.2/Add.1 List of revisions to the informal updated version of the Status of the 1958 Agreement as of 15 August 2013
WP.29/343/Rev.21/Rev.3 Updated version of the Status of the 1958 Agreement as of 20 December 2013