Electric Vehicles and the Environment | Session 12 | 28-29 Oct 2014
Agenda Item 8.
Topic 5: Power determination for EVs

Mr. Olechiw introduced the topic by reviewing the text of the EV Guide (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2014/81). Mr. Hans Holdik presented the proposed scope of work for the topic using document EVE-12-04e-Rev1 on behalf of Germany and Korea. Understanding that there are no UN, USA or Japanese regulations that define light duty hybrid system power, the scope of work under this topic was proposed to cover light duty vehicles and performance criteria would be power and torque as a function of speed. Several options for pursuing the work were presented, including amending UN Regulation 85, developing a recommendation under RE3 or SR1, and/or developing a new GTR.

During the discussion, Japan clarified that they do not require power determination in their regulatory system. The European Commission clarified that it would be very useful to have one definition of power and that the EPPR IWG are developing such a definition for L-category vehicles. There was some discussion as to why this work is not pursued by the WLTP IWG, although most of the group was supportive of the EVE IWG carrying out this work. The question of whether or not the work should be carried out under the 1998 or 1958 Agreement was also discussed but not decided.

Overall, the majority of the group agreed the topic should be part of the new EVE mandate and Mr. Olechiw requested the group revisit this decision under agenda item 9.

EVE-12-04/Rev.1 Determination of Powertrain Performance of Hybrid Electric Vehicles (Item 8)
WP.29/2014/81 Proposal for an Electric Vehicle Regulatory Reference Guide