Electric Vehicles and the Environment | Session 12 | 28-29 Oct 2014
Agenda Item 6.
Topic 4: Battery recycling

Mr. Olechiw introduced the topic using document EVE-12-14e and by reviewing the text of the EV Guide (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2014/81). The group was reminded that, as the EV Guide states, battery recycling is not under the mandate of WP.29, but battery recyclability issues could be considered. Japan informed the group they do not support recycling or recyclability issues for discussion in the WP.29 forum.

A scope of work for the topic area was not presented; Mr. Klaus Putzhammer (OICA/Adam Opel AG) presented on “Regulation and Recycling and Recyclability”, with a focus on European legislation (EVE-12-09e). There was an emphasis on the capability of current battery recycling practices, which some in the group believed then meant that investigating battery recyclability was not required. Mr. Olechiw suggested that there could be some benefit from sharing the European Commission’s successful legislative battery recyclability practices with those worldwide.

Mr. Olechiw requested the group revisit this decision on Day 2 of the meeting under agenda item 9 and no party/organization volunteered to lead the topic.

EVE-11-03/Rev.1 Electric vehicles and the environment: Path forward and new EVE group mandate (Part A): revised
EVE-12-09 Regulation on Recyclability and Recycling (OICA)
EVE-12-14 Electric Vehicle Range and Energy Consumption and Battery Recycling: Introductory slides
WP.29/2014/81 Proposal for an Electric Vehicle Regulatory Reference Guide