Working Party on Pollution and Energy | Session 68 | 7-10 Jan 2014
Agenda Item 11.
Vehicle Propulsion System Definitions (VPSD)

58. The secretary of the VPSD informal working group introduced GRPE-68-19, on the work progress, and informed GRPE about current open issues and discussion items. She clarified that the informal working group agreed on the development schedule for the framework system of definitions of vehicles, powertrains, energy converters and energy storage systems to be introduced as annexes to R.E.3 and S.R.1. A draft is expected to be circulated in the June 2014 session of GRPE. An official document shall be submitted in January 2015, and WP.29 consideration is foreseen for June 2015.

59. GRPE acknowledged the progress made by the group and agreed to submit to WP.29 the request for an extension of its mandate to June 2015

GRPE-68-19 Status report after the 3rd VPSD meeting