Working Party on Passive Safety | Session 55 | 19-23 May 2014
Agenda Item 23. (j)
Survey on safety of new mobility vehicles

50. The expert from Japan presented a survey (GRSP-55-26-Rev.1) on the safety of four-wheeled vehicle whose unladen mass was not more than 400 kg, (category L6 and L7); these were shown to be very similar to passenger vehicles (M1) identified in Japan as “New Mobility Vehicles”. He added that these vehicles might be in conformity with a number of safety requirements (i.e. full width frontal collision, UN Regulation No. 95) currently required for passenger vehicles in Japan. He concluded that his country aimed at achieving regulatory harmonization of these vehicles and sought information and comments from Contracting Parties. The expert from EC informed GRSP that his organization was conducting similar safety investigations on L7 vehicles and offered to cooperate with the expert from Japan, and exchange data on cost benefit analysis. GRSP agreed to continue sharing information on this issue at its December 2014 session.

GRSP-55-26/Rev.1 Survey on Safety of New Mobility Vehicles (Japan and MLIT)