Regulation No. 129 ( Enhanced Child Restraint Systems )
Updated proposal of amendments to the draft 01 series of amendment to Regulation No. 129
Updated proposal of amendments to the draft 01 series of amendment to Regulation No. 129
Updated version of the proposed 01 series of amendments to UN R129 prepared by the Informal Group on Child Restraint Systems. The amendments propose to extend the scope of the regulation to cover non-Integral child restraint systems (“Universal Booster” or “Specific to vehicle Booster”) (Phase 2 of the UN Regulation).
UN Regulation No. 129 current and future development
UN Regulation No. 129 current and future development
Presentation on the development of the regulation on enhanced child restraint systems, including review of the current phase 2 on booster and related seats and plans for phase 3 on stand-alone belted integral CRS.
Child safety with respect to vehicle protection and booster seats - a proposal for a CRF for children > 4yo (OICA and Volvo Group)
Child safety with respect to vehicle protection and booster seats - a proposal for a CRF for children > 4yo
Presentation on child restraint fixtures (CRF) and their relationship with in-vehicle safety systems, arguing that children benefit from certain CRF configurations that position the occupant for optimal benefit of seat belts or for eventual interaction with a side/curtain airbag.
Draft 01 series of amendment to Regulation No. 129 (France)
Draft 01 series of amendment to Regulation No. 129
Amendment to introduce all the modifications needed in UN Regulation No. 129 (Enhanced Child Restraint System (ECRS)) that were suggested by the experts of the informal working group on Child Restraint Systems (IWGCRS) to extend the scope of this Regulation to Non-Integral child restraint systems (“Universal Booster” or “Specific to vehicle Booster”) (Phase 2 of the UN Regulation).