- simply referring to UN R10, or including all necessary requirements into the regulation
- not all UN R10 requirements are necessary for AECD/AECS
Status of discussions at
AECS informal group: reference to UN R10, plus additional relevant tests if necessary.
Climate resistance
- Need to ensure proper resistance to climate extremes in order to guarantee emission of e-call in all circumstances. Item of particular importance in RUS
- Resistance to climate usually not defined in other regulations, except UN R97, R116 and few others. Industry and J consider this as “over-regulation”.
- Resistance to climate currently well addressed by the market in the frame of product liability.
Status of discussions at
AECS informal group: item to be further discussed with proper justifications
Mechanical resistance
- Need to ensure proper resistance to mechanical aggressions in order to guarantee emission of e-call in all circumstances
- OICA concerned that the proposed requirements could be detrimental to safety as the manufacturers usually adapt the specifications to the vehicle.
Status of discussions at
AECS informal group: item to be further discussed with proper justifications.
AECS triggering conditions (UN R94/R95 environment)
- Question on whether UN R94/95 are relevant for assessing AECD/AECS resistance to crash
- Worst case configuration
- AECD/AECS post-crash functionality assessment
- Proposal to perform a separate AECD sled test
- Status of discussions at GRSG-AECS informal group:
- Verification (in minimum) of generation of trigger signal during the UN R94/95 impacts,
- audio capabilities and MSD transmission during crash test procedure.
- This can also be done via other measures.
Navigation module requirements
- Question on whether the regulation should mandate GNSS for achieving accuracy in positioning (design restriction vs. technical necessity)
- European Commission keen that all AECD/AECS are Galileo compatible
Status of discussions at
AECS informal group: general requirements with no technology, and approval tests imposing