15. As a follow-up to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/75, para. 14, the secretariat introduced GRRF-76-09 containing the draft revision 8 of UN Regulation No. 13. GRRF noted some comments and requested the secretariat to take them into account when issuing the Revision 8 to Regulation No. 13.
16. The expert from the Russian Federation introduced GRRF-76-20, proposing a clarification of UN Regulation No. 13. GRRF adopted this proposal as reproduced below and requested the secretariat to submit the proposal to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration at their June 2014 sessions as a part of the draft Supplement 12 to the 11 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 13.
Footnote 12, amend to read:
“…more than 2 axles and hydraulic transmission), Class I, Class A and articulated vehicles of categories M2 and M3, N2 tractors for semi-trailer with a gross vehicle mass (GVM) between 3.5 and 7.5 tonnes…”
17. The expert from CLEPA introduced GRRF-76-21. GRRF requested the secretariat to distribute this document with an official symbol at its September 2014 session.
18. The expert from CLEPA withdrew GRRF-76-31.