31. The expert from Canada gave a presentation on high pressure cylinders for the on-board storage of natural gas as a fuel for motor vehicles (GRSG-106-29). He underlined the need to harmonize worldwide the test requirements for the CNG containers and proposed to align the provisions of Annex 3 to UN Regulation No. 110 with those of standard ISO 11439:2013. He added that GRSG should also consider simply inserting into Annex 3, references to ISO 11439. GRSG noted the decision of WP.29 that a reference in a UN Regulation to a private standard should not be adopted without free availability of that standard (see report ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1108, para. 39). The expert from OICA questioned the relevancy of the ISO standard, if all provisions were included into the UN Regulation. The Chair invited the gas experts to prepare an official document for consideration at the next GRSG session. The secretariat was requested to keep GRSG-106-29 on the agenda as a reference document.
32. Recalling the discussion at the previous session of GRSG, the expert from the Netherlands presented GRSG-106-07 proposing new provisions on a directional discharge of the pressure relief devices of GNG containers. GRSG noted a number of comments on the possible location of the containers on the vehicle and questioned the need to also address vehicles with LNG or even hydrogen containers. Following the discussion, GRSG agreed to resume consideration at its next session in October 2014, on the basis of a revised proposal to be submitted by the expert from the Netherlands.
33. The expert from Belgium presented GRSG-106-15 reflecting the current provisions of UN Regulation No. 110 on the periodic requalification of CNG gas cylinders (Annex 3A) and LNG tanks (Annex 3B). She questioned the differences in the periodicity for the inspection of such cylinders and tanks. Following the discussion, GRSG underlined the need to investigate this subject and agreed to keep GRSG-106-15 on the agenda.
34. The expert from the Netherlands introduced GRSG-106-24 proposing amendments on the installation of LNG fuel tanks to avoid them touching the ground. GRSG noted some comments and agreed to resume consideration of this subject at its next session on the basis of an updated proposal by the Netherlands.
35. The expert from Germany withdrew GRSG-105-31. He presented GRSG-106-27 requiring the mandatory exterior protection of gas cylinders instead of leaving the decision up to the manufacturer. The experts from France and OICA preferred to adopt such mandatory provisions together with a set of transitional provisions. GRSG agreed to resume consideration at its next session in October 2014, on the basis of a revised proposal by the expert from Germany.