The draft supplement 1 to the 01 series of amendments to UN R110 (pending before the November WP.29 session) introduces type-approval provisions for vehicles equipped with liquefied natural gas propulsion systems. In this document, Germany signals its intention to prepare substantial revisions concerning its safety provisions.
35. The expert from Germany withdrew GRSG-105-31. He presented GRSG-106-27 requiring the mandatory exterior protection of gas cylinders instead of leaving the decision up to the manufacturer. The experts from France and OICA preferred to adopt such mandatory provisions together with a set of transitional provisions. GRSG agreed to resume consideration at its next session in October 2014, on the basis of a revised proposal by the expert from Germany.
41. The expert from Germany announced to prepare, for the next session of GRSG, a set of draft amendments to UN Regulation No. 110 preventing the LNG container from being overfilled and requiring the installed of a safety system against flooding by LNG (GRSG-105-31). GRSG noted that these issues had already been discussed by the LNG Task Force.
GRSG-106-27 |