The secretary explained that document GTR9-4-03r1 summarizes the status of the activity list items from the ToR (latest version see document GTR9-5-28). The document was reviewed to see where further activities of the Informal Group are needed. The secretary promised to provide a revision 2 of the document (document GTR9-4-03r2) as soon as possible.
During the discussion on the document it was not that several items can be changed from “yellow” – meaning “under discussion” – to “green” – representing a “clear status”. On request of Mr. Edwards it was explained again that clear status does not necessarily mean agreement but that this refers to having a common understanding within the informal group. For example, for the activity list item “feasibility” the “clear status” means that the feasibility is not questioned in general (e.g. for standard sedan-type vehicles) but that it was noted that it may be an issue for certain vehicles (large SUV’s and pick-up trucks). This was explained in detail in the earlier meetings and is understood. The chair promised that he will explain such issues in detail in the preamble of the gtr No. 9 amendment.
Finally, it was agreed that for the activity list items “b) assessment of biofidelity”, “c) assessment of costs and benefit”, “e) evaluation of durability”, “h) review and exchange of test results”, “i) evaluation of reproducibility and repeatability” and “k) assessment of technical feasibility” the status can be set to “clear” but it was also noted that it needs to be reset to “under discussion” for the item “g) certification tests” following the discussion in this meeting on possible femur certification criteria.