World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 191 | 13-16 Nov 2023
Agenda Item 17.4.
UN Global Technical Regulation No. 22 on in-vehicle battery durability (Electric vehicles and the environment)

200. The representative of Canada, as secretary to the IWG on Electric Vehicle and the Environment (EVE) reminded AC.3 UN GTR No. 22 was finalized on 9 March 2022 through consensus vote at 186th session of WP.29 and AC.3.

201. She indicated that a new amendment to UN GTR No. 22 was being prepared to cover additional topics more extensively, such as accounting for energy consumption not related to vehicle mobility, developing category-two vehicle minimum performance requirements, refining performance criteria requirements through the assessment of further modelling and data collection of real vehicles and ensuring that the title reflects the applicability of the regulation to light duty vehicles.

202. She finally informed AC.3 that the new amendment to UN GTR No. 22 would be expected to be considered by AC.3 at its June 2024 session.

203. The representative of China suggested that battery swapping technology could be considered during the research for battery durability and proposed to share experience with all countries, inviting them to participate and provide suggestion to consider this technology.