Working Party on Automated and Connected Vehicles | Session 17 | 25-29 Sep 2023

Deadline for submission of formal working documents: 30 June 2023.

Agenda Item 4. (a)
Deliverables of the Informal Working Group on Functional Requirements for Automated and Autonomous Vehicles

9. The representative of the United States of America, Co-Chair of the IWG on Functional Requirements for Automated Vehicles (FRAV), presented the status report of the group (GRVA-17-34). He introduced (GRVA-17-33) the guidelines for regulatory requirements and verifiable criteria for Automated Driving System (ADS) safety validation, a document completing the submission at the May 2023 session, which now included the user/Human Machine Interface (HMI) section.

10. GRVA endorsed the document and requested the secretariat to distribute it as informal document for consideration by WP.29 at its in November 2023.

GRVA-17-33 ADS: Guidelines for Regulatory Requirements and Verifiable Criteria for ADS Safety Validation
GRVA-17-34 FRAV informal group status report to GRVA
GRVA-17-39 ADS: Status report on FRAV/VMAD Integration Group