Working Party on Noise and Tyres | Session 77 | 7-10 Feb 2023
Agenda Item 12.
Other business

33. GRBP was briefed on the activities of the Informal Working Group for the Electronic Database for the Exchange of Type Approval Documentation (IWG DETA) with the aim to start the use of the “Unique Identifier” (UI) in UN Regulations. In particular, GRBP noted that IWG on DETA had provided a template to be used by the WP.29 subsidiary Working Parties (GRs) for the implementation of UI in UN Regulations (WP.29-188-20).

34. GRBP recalled that, at its previous session, it had agreed that the use of UI in the context of GRBP UN Regulations would not bring additional benefits. GRBP noted that, according to Schedule 5 to the 1958 Agreement, the use of UI is allowed, unless provided otherwise in a UN Regulation. GRBP was informed that, at the WP.29 session in November 2022, two solutions had been suggested to ban the use of UI:

  1. Elaborate a standard prohibiting clause to be inserted in UN Regulations; or
  2. Adopt an amendment to Schedule 5 of the 1958 Agreement.

35. Some experts pointed out that option (b) would be less time consuming. At the same time, GRBP noted that, in case of need, UN Regulations in the scope of GRBP could be amended one by one or in blocks with the standard clause under option (a).

36. The expert for the Special Interest Group on Automated Vehicles Regulation Screening (SIG AVRS) reported on their progress (GRBP-77-17, GRBP-77-18 and GRBP-77-19). In particular, SIG AVRS had preliminary screened 21 UN Regulations under the responsibility of GRBP and identified 13 UN Regulations for further consideration. GRBP noted that the future activities would include formalization of the report and its submission to WP.29, prioritization of findings in the GRBP priority list and inclusion of further assessment of specific UN Regulations in future Terms of Reference of SIG AVRS.

37. The expert from ISO informed GRBP about a full review of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) undertaken in the United States of America for the purposes of automated driving systems (ADS). The expert from OICA recalled that the European Union had adopted an ADS framework where some UN Regulations had also been reviewed.

38. GRBP invited all experts to help SIG identify the required changes in UN Regulations and set up priorities, taking into account the priorities of WP.29 and Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (GRVA). GRBP also noted that WP.29 had requested the Working Party on General Safety Provisions (GRSG) and GRVA to collaborate on developing new vehicle categories (or subcategories) dedicated to ADS.

39. GRBP was informed that the WP.29 Coordination Committee (AC.2) had recommended that GRBP should analyse research and establish high level principles for the possible ADS external audible signals.

40. GRBP noted a progress report of the Task Force on Tyre Abrasion (TF TA) (GRBP-77-31), including the work on different test methods and the 2023 validation and correlation test campaign.

41. The expert from IMMA introduced a draft document for reference with industry guidelines on the antitampering provisions for Non-Original Replacement Exhaust Systems (NORESS) in UN Regulation No. 92 (GRBP-77-20). GRBP experts generally supported the document and made several suggestions for improvement. GRBP agreed to revert to this issue at the next session in order to update the document and later publish it as a document of reference on the GRBP website.

42. GRBP paid tribute to Mr. K. Feith, former American expert in GRBP, who had passed away. GRBP recognized his substantial contributions to the GRBP work, in particular on QRTV, and conveyed condolences to his family.

GRBP-77-17 Screening of Regulations for ADS Applicability: High-level review table
GRBP-77-18 Report on the screening of GRBP Regulations for ADS applicability issues
GRBP-77-19 Report of Special Interest Group on Automated Vehicle Regulation Screening (SIG AVRS)
GRBP-77-20 UN R92: Industry guideline on the anti-tampering provisions for Non-Original Replacement Exhaust Systems (NORESS) (IMMA)
GRBP-77-31 Tyre Abrasion task force status report to GRBP
WP.29-188-20 1958 Agreement: Unique Identifier - Proposed actions for the DETA informal group, GR working parties, and WP.29